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USE OF THE WEBSITE - TERMS AND CONDITIONS Definitions. For "Casalini Srl" we mean Casalini Srl, headquartered in via Rigolli n. 36, Piacenza, Italy. For "Site" we mean the website managed by Casalini Srl and registered to it. For "User" or "You" we mean whoever visitor on the website. The various sections of the Website are expressly managed either by Casalini Srl or by third parties, who are indicated each time. This agreement contains terms and conditions related to the use of the Website, services and products you can find on the Website. The user is asked to respect terms and conditions and this aspect reduces the limits of responsibility of Casalini Srl. Before using the Website, read carefully the following agreement. BY ENTERING EACH SECTION OF THE WEBSITE THE CUSTOMER ACCEPTS TO RESPECT THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS. IF YOU DON’T AGREE WITH ONE OF THE CONDITIONS MENTIONED HERE, YOU DON’T HAVE TO USE THE WEBSITE AT ALL. Reserved property The user agrees that all information, data, software, photos, images, video music, sounds, pictures on the Website are exclusively owned by Casalini Srl and / or by third parties. It is strictly forbidden to copy, reproduce, download, save, hire, publish or transmit with any mean from this Website in any form of technologies if you aren’t allowed to. Brands "Sulky" is a figurative and registered Brand owned by Casalini Srl as well as all the logos used in the Website Casalini Srl. and registered by Casalini srl. Both brands and logos of third parties in the Website just belong to the holders. The use or reproduction in whatever form and way of such marks and logos is forbidden. Allowed use. The user can entirely use the Website for legal activities and he won’t be allowed to use the Website for some speculative or fraudulent activities as well. It is strictly forbidden to use whatever part or section of the Site, information or material on the Site for commercial or advertising activities of any kind if it is not authorized by Casalini Srl. The user declares to be of age and for this reason he is responsible in using the Website. If not so he isn’t allowed to use the Website. According to Law it is forbidden to make an agreement under a false name. Whoever makes illegal or fraudulent actions will be punished according to Law. Guarantees. Except all guarantees indicated and prepared by builders or suppliers, all the products and services on the Website are given according "as they are", "as available" with no guarantees of any kind, direct of indirect ones. The user is guaranteed to (i) get services through the Website at the lower price on the market; (ii) to find no mistake on this website; (iii) to get results on this Website or (iv) to get liability about on the Website. The user expressly declares he is totally responsible of the use of the Website. Characteristics of the products and services. It is possible to get access to the Website worldwide contain references to products and services that are not available or they are forbidden in the country in which the user lives. The existence of such references doesn’t mean Casalini Srl wants to make available such products and services in the country of the user or such products and services can legally be used in the country of the user. Casalini Srl has the right, with no previous advice, to make available such products or services or to modify its characteristics in any moment and with neither warning nor obligation. All the products and services expressly made for sale or you can find on the Website are entirely destined to the sale or to the use in the countries indicated. The characteristics of the products and the services can vary, as the availability of the same, from country to country according to the local laws. All the products and relative technical data, illustrations and information on this site are "as they are", "as available" without guarantees of any kind, implicit or explicit. Such information is progressively updated and it is only indicative, is not binding for it. Casalini Srl. is not responsible for any mistake in texts or translations. Casalini Srl has the right to make changes and improvements to any product, without obligation of warning even on those already sold. Further characteristics of the products are to be found in the manuals of use and maintenance. The represented products are not definitive versions and therefore they can be remarkable modified according to Casalini Srl, without any advice. YOU MUST KNOW SOME COUNTRIES DON’T ALLOW THE IMPORT, HOMOLOGATION AND THE USE OF CARS AND PRODUCTS, WHICH HAVEN’T BEEN BUILT ACCORDING TO THE OWN PRESCRIPTIONS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT YOUR OWN LOCAL DEALER Casalini Srl. General limitation of the responsibility. The information, the software and the included services or available through the Site you/they can contain inaccuratezze or errors. The contained information in the Site are subject to periodic changes. Casalini Srl e/o its respective suppliers can effect improvements e/o changes to the Site e/o to the services offered in any moment. Casalini Srl e/o its respective suppliers don't release some guarantee or declaration around the appropriateness, reliability, availability, absence of virus or other components that can cause damages, accuracy of the information, of the software, of the services and of the relative graphics contained in the Site or in the services offered in relationship to elegant qualsivoglia. In any case Casalini Srl e/o its suppliers can be held responsible for direct damages, indirect, moral, accidental, special or consequenziali or for damages of any type included, in by esemplificativa, the damages for loss of use, give or profits, consequential from, or somehow connected to, the use or the execution of the Site or the possible services in it you introduce, to the delay or to the impossibility to use the Site or the relative services, to the supply or to the missed supply of the services, or to any information, software, service and to the relative graphics gotten through the Site. Casalini Srl cannot Be In Some Case it is Way Held Responsible Of Possible Damages Or Lesions, Losses it is Breaches Caused By Services Or Sections Of the Site Of Which you don't Directly Take care of The Management. In any case Casalini Srl and his/her managers, employed or collaborators, will be responsible for some lesion, loss, application, damage, direct or indirect of some kind, even if dawning from a contract or from a civil crime, or anyway connected with an use of the Site that is not conforming to the presents terms and conditions, even if Casalini Srl has been informed around the possibility of such damages. If, despite how much above, Casalini Srl was held responsible for a damage or loss related to the use of this site, the consumer accepts and you/he/she recognizes that the responsibility of Casalini Srl cannot exceed in any case the cost (if existing) sustained by the consumer for the use of the Site. Third Parts. If you use this Site to send an order of purchase, an application of booking or in general to develop whatever activity for or on charge of a third part ("Third Part"), you are responsible for all the errors in the accuracy of the information furnished in relationship to such use. You have the obligation to inform the Third Part of all the terms and the applicable conditions to the purchase, to the booking or to the activity it turns through this Site, included all the rules and applicable restrictions, as well as around the characteristics of the products or the services. Every Consumer that uses this Site for or on charge of a Third Part it hocks him to indemnify and to lift Casalini Srl from whatever responsibility for losses, damages, actions and applications (I included the costs of defense), related to the third Part or to whatever breach of the consumer around the obligations assumed as above described. The consumer will directly be responsible for every order of purchase or booking forwarded, I included the relative costs, the burdens and the fulfillment of the relative obligations in the case in which the Third part results inadempiente. Connections (link) to other Sites Web and Services. The Site contains references to products and services furnished by third parts or sites connections web of third parts. Casalini Srl doesn't guarantee and doesn't take on any responsibility around the contents and the information furnished by such third subjects, their completeness or accuracy, neither relatively to the content of the sites web of these third subjects. Casalini Srl doesn't guarantee and doesn't have any responsibility around the contents, the availabilities, the operation and the fulfillments of whatever site web that to this Site you/he/she can be connected or from which access can be had to this Site. The Connection From Other Sites Á. the Present Site Through Connections IPERTESTUALI (LINK) Á. His/her Principal Page (HOME PAGE) Previous Application Sent Á. Casalini Srl can Be effected. Casalini Srl Reserves Him The Right to Deny The authorization Á. the LINK In the Case In Which Such Connection can Constitute anyway A Damage Of Any Kind For Casalini Srl (Inclusive A Damage Á. the image And Á. the Good Name), Á. Suo Unquestionable Judgment. CONNECTIONS IPERTESTUALI C.D. DEEP (DEEP LINK) OR WITH TECHNIQUES VOLTE Á. IMPEDIRE THE RECOGNITION OF THE (OR Á. MASCHERARE HER) PATERNITY OF THE CONTENTS (FRAMING) THEY ARE EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN. Guardianship of the reservation. Casalini Srl has great respect for the privacy of the Consumers. The data that will eventually be communicated by the consumer to Casalini Srl through the Site will be essays with the maximum attention and with all the fit tools to guarantee its safety, in the full respect of the normative Italian vigente posts to guardianship of the reservation. With the purpose to allow the activation of specific functions, the Site can use in some cases the c.ds. cookies. The consumer will be able, to his free choice, to be informed on the use or to prevent the same use of such tools through the change of the options related to his/her program of navigation. Sections and contents furnished by third parts. The Site also entertains sections, contributions, articles and in general material parish priests or furnished by third subjects in comparison to Casalini Srl. Casalini Srl doesn't relatively take on any responsibility around the legitimacy, truthfulness, the completeness or any other characteristic to how much brought or contained in such materials or sections of the Site. The responsibility however contained in such material or sections of the Site, understood the ownership and the legitimacy around the use of text, images, photos, music, filmed or quant'altro, is exclusively of the suitable third subject. Possible actions related to the contents of the material or sections of the Site are not able whether to directly be undertaken and exclusively towards the respective authors or administrators. Signalings and claims. Casalini Srl hocks him, behind done motivated application adequately to reach in writing or by e-mail to Casalini Srl, to handle the removal of the present material on the Site that had to result of ownership of subjects at the right moment, different from the suitable subject what author of the material or administrator of the section of the Site, that can legitimately vindicate a whatever right or interest on the same material or on his/her content, or in the case the material or its content injure a whatever interest or right protected by the law. For whatever signaling, claim or information the consumer is begged of he writes to: Casalini Srl, 36, Rigolli street, 29100, Piacenza, Italy. Fax: 0523 577999 E-mail: Cessation of the service. Casalini Srl can Finish Or to Suspend The access Of the consumer Á. Tutto Or Á. Parte Of This Site, In Whatever Moment, Without Warning And Á. Sua Exclusive Discretion. Whole accord. The presents terms and conditions relatively represent the whole accord between Casalini Srl and You to its use of the Site and they replace whatever accord or preceding declaration. The consumer is informed that the purchase or the booking of products, articles or services, the fruition of particular services or specific parts of the Site they are submitted to further legal prescriptions e/o contractual as suitable of time in time on the Site. Casalini Srl Reserves Him The Right, Á. Sua Complete Discretion, to Modify The Presents Terms And Conditions In Whatever Moment Making The New Terms Known is Conditions Through The Site. THE NEW TERMS IT IS CONDITIONS THEY WILL BE VALID AND EFFECTIVE FROM THE MOMENT IN WHICH YOU/THEY WILL BE PUBLISHED ON THE SITE. THE USE OF THE SITE FROM THE CONSUMER Á. WILL BE SUBMITTED THE TERMS IT IS CONDITIONS PUBLISHED IN THE SITE Á. THE MOMENT OF THE USE. Separabilità. The headings of the clauses here used are entirely for utility and they are not able in some way to engrave or to influence the interpretation of these terms and conditions. If whatever clause or part of a clause of this accord you/he/she had to have held nothing because contrary to a disposition of applicable law, all the other terms and clauses or parts of clause they will fully be valid and effective. Language. The presents terms and conditions are compiled in Italian and in English. In the case of qualsivoglia discordance among the texts in the two languages or of doubts on their interpretation, will prevail the text in Italian language. Applicable law and competent hole. THE PRESENTS TERMS AND CONDITIONS WILL BE GOVERNED AND INTERPRETED BY THE ITALIAN LAWS. For every consequential controversy from the presents terms and conditions or to them relative it will be competent in by exclusive the Hole in Piacenza, Italy. For everything how much here not expressly anticipated, the dispositions of law vigentis are worth in the Italian arrangement.
I confirm to have read and accepted all the rules, terms and conditions as well
PRIVACY INFORMATION Casalini Srl Company respects totally the user’s personal data. The data, which will be communicated by the user to Casalini Srl through the Website, will be treated with great attention and measure to guarantee all the security according to the Italian law concerning Personal Data. According to the article 13 of the Law by Decree of the 30 june 2003, n. 196 – Personal Data Protection Law The personal data eventually given by the user, surfing in Website, will be treated by the Holder Casalini Srl, with legal office in Florence at via Rosolino Pilo 5 and administration head office in Piacenza at Via Rigolli, 36, as only Manager Dr. Stefano Casalini, with electronic instruments and held at virtual and/or paper Archives, with the observation of the Law by Decree of the 30 June 2003, n.196 – Personal Data Protection Law, with reference to the various services and activities at disposal on the Website. In particular: to let the user be enrolled and have access to the reserved area on the Web, to have the possibility to perform services and wares to the user, who asked for, for Agreements and their execution, to give information and assistance to the user, who asked for, to send our advertising materials, for market research. For the reasons mentioned above the user’s personal Data could be transmitted to operators legally submitted to the Holder Casalini Srl, even thou they live in countries outside of the European Union, these ones will get informed about the People in Charge chosen by the Holder Casalini Srl., who deal with the Personal Data Management. In order to perform some specific functions, the so called cookies will be used (it is about files sent out from the Website server to the User’s browser). The User can freely get informed about using cookies or just not to use them by modifying some operations concerning the navigation skill. In such a case some properties of the Website couldn’t work in the right way. The Personal Data won’t be transmitted. You are not forced give your Personal Data. If the Personal Data aren’t given for the reasons mentioned above, you won’t be allowed to services or to perform activities on the Website. Further specific information about the Management of the Personal Data can be given according to the specific activities and services on the Website. As User you have the rights according to the article 7 of the Law by Decree of the 30 June 2003, n.196. In order to get informed about your rights as well as to know the updated list of the People in charge chosen by Casalini Srl for Managing of the Personal Data you can send an e.mail to or rather send a fax to +39-0523-577999.
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